funny how first impressions sometimes belly-flop the second time around...
So... in the tales of melia's love life...Romain wins. By far. Or maybe second dates when one is ready to leave the country just aren't a good idea. But in any case, last night's hot rendez-vous with Xavier ended up being a rather eye-rolling, this-is-not-what-i-was-expecting kind of night. There was almost zero chemistry, in my opinion, we talked over each other, and -- god, i've been in france way too long -- when it came time for paying for the first set of drinks, then dinner, then the second set of drinks, he was very obtuse in explaining to the guy at the counter that we were most definitely paying separately. Which I totally don't mind, back in the states it would be assumed, but it was just the way in which he did it.
So... no chemistry, too much beer, no dancing and no music (that can make a date totally worthwhile even if on ne s'entend pas bien ensemble... even if you're not clicking) and then, my two WTF (what the fuck) moments of the night...
We're talking sports as we're walking back to his bike because he's really into the NBA, and he randomly brings up Dennis Rodman's rebounding skills. I mention that Dennis Rodman also has really good cross-dressing skills, and describe an MTV episode I saw back in the day about him in a wedding dress. No sooner do I finish with this than Xavier pulls me close to him to begin making out. Okay, I'm sorry, but perhaps I'm missing something... WHERE is the link between Dennis Rodman flouncing around in a dress and it being an opportune time to make-out??? If there's a connection there, perhaps I don't want to know.
And the icing on the cake? We're walking back down the Grand Rue, and suddenly Xavier's like 'aie, j'ai besoin de faire pee-pee' (yes, in france, you do indeed say 'i need to do pee-pee' no matter if you're 5 or 35 years old). I let the comment slide because I figure we're heading back anyway, but three seconds later, he's like 'pee-pee!' and leaves his bike for me to hold while he goes to relieve himself up against a store front. I nearly shook my head in disbelief as i stood there with his bike... true, since arriving in france, I have probably seen over 100 men with their backs turned, standing up against trees, walls, or the mountain air, emptying a full bladder. It's pretty standard here. But COME ON!!! We're on a fucking date, and you're peeing against a store front??? When he came back he was like 'desolé, desolé... sorry, that wasn't very gentleman of me'. All I could muster was a head-shaking 'no... no it wasn't'.
Closer to my place he starts the whole stop-in-mid-conversation-lower-the-eyelids- and-pull-you-in-for-a-random-kiss deal again... and nearer to my place he asked if i wanted to come to his place. No, no, gotta get home and pack for tomorrow, sorry...
Damn! I mean, the first night I did notice he talked a whole lot, but it was all stuff I agreed with, so the fact that i was sitting saying "oui oui oui" most of the night didn't bug me. But last night, though certainly not terrible, was just kind of null. Ah well. As Madame warned me, don't go falling in love with someone during your last week here... and there's definitely no fear of that now. I still have a pleasant lingering memory of Romain, so the slate hasn't totally been wiped clean, but now that 'romantic first kiss' has been replaced with the memory of Dennis Rodman in a dress sparking an excessive tongue make-out session.
Speaking of making out... both Xavier and Romain asked about this 'French Kiss' we have in America... both asked what it meant. 'Well... i just means tongue' I responded, both times. With Romain, I asked if in france they have a specific name for a tongue kiss as opposed to without. He thought for a second and was like, "no... i don't think so. Perhaps 'pelle roulante'? You know, that's what older brothers and sisters will explain when a younger sibling wants to know about how to do it" "pelle roulante? what's that?" and Romain proceeds to go through the motion of digging a hole a shovelling out dirt...
pelle roulant = rolling shovel.
I couldn't stop cracking up. So, if anyone ever asks you how to french kiss, just tell them it's easy... all you have to do move your tongue like you would a shovel digging a hole...
and you know? when Xavier got a little too into the tongue last night, i had an orchestra of shovels dancing through my thoughts...
In other news, I leave in two hours for Munich, where I'll meet up with Gretchen for a two hour layover before we head to Budapest. This time, i'm leaving for real... i'll be gone for a month and then only return to stras for a single night before heading on to see Martina (who i miss soooo much!) and then go up to ireland. It doesn't feel real, since I've been doing so much leaving and returning these last few weeks. But come this time tomorrow, i think it'll have sunk in.
Love to everyone!
So... no chemistry, too much beer, no dancing and no music (that can make a date totally worthwhile even if on ne s'entend pas bien ensemble... even if you're not clicking) and then, my two WTF (what the fuck) moments of the night...
We're talking sports as we're walking back to his bike because he's really into the NBA, and he randomly brings up Dennis Rodman's rebounding skills. I mention that Dennis Rodman also has really good cross-dressing skills, and describe an MTV episode I saw back in the day about him in a wedding dress. No sooner do I finish with this than Xavier pulls me close to him to begin making out. Okay, I'm sorry, but perhaps I'm missing something... WHERE is the link between Dennis Rodman flouncing around in a dress and it being an opportune time to make-out??? If there's a connection there, perhaps I don't want to know.
And the icing on the cake? We're walking back down the Grand Rue, and suddenly Xavier's like 'aie, j'ai besoin de faire pee-pee' (yes, in france, you do indeed say 'i need to do pee-pee' no matter if you're 5 or 35 years old). I let the comment slide because I figure we're heading back anyway, but three seconds later, he's like 'pee-pee!' and leaves his bike for me to hold while he goes to relieve himself up against a store front. I nearly shook my head in disbelief as i stood there with his bike... true, since arriving in france, I have probably seen over 100 men with their backs turned, standing up against trees, walls, or the mountain air, emptying a full bladder. It's pretty standard here. But COME ON!!! We're on a fucking date, and you're peeing against a store front??? When he came back he was like 'desolé, desolé... sorry, that wasn't very gentleman of me'. All I could muster was a head-shaking 'no... no it wasn't'.
Closer to my place he starts the whole stop-in-mid-conversation-lower-the-eyelids- and-pull-you-in-for-a-random-kiss deal again... and nearer to my place he asked if i wanted to come to his place. No, no, gotta get home and pack for tomorrow, sorry...
Damn! I mean, the first night I did notice he talked a whole lot, but it was all stuff I agreed with, so the fact that i was sitting saying "oui oui oui" most of the night didn't bug me. But last night, though certainly not terrible, was just kind of null. Ah well. As Madame warned me, don't go falling in love with someone during your last week here... and there's definitely no fear of that now. I still have a pleasant lingering memory of Romain, so the slate hasn't totally been wiped clean, but now that 'romantic first kiss' has been replaced with the memory of Dennis Rodman in a dress sparking an excessive tongue make-out session.
Speaking of making out... both Xavier and Romain asked about this 'French Kiss' we have in America... both asked what it meant. 'Well... i just means tongue' I responded, both times. With Romain, I asked if in france they have a specific name for a tongue kiss as opposed to without. He thought for a second and was like, "no... i don't think so. Perhaps 'pelle roulante'? You know, that's what older brothers and sisters will explain when a younger sibling wants to know about how to do it" "pelle roulante? what's that?" and Romain proceeds to go through the motion of digging a hole a shovelling out dirt...
pelle roulant = rolling shovel.
I couldn't stop cracking up. So, if anyone ever asks you how to french kiss, just tell them it's easy... all you have to do move your tongue like you would a shovel digging a hole...
and you know? when Xavier got a little too into the tongue last night, i had an orchestra of shovels dancing through my thoughts...
In other news, I leave in two hours for Munich, where I'll meet up with Gretchen for a two hour layover before we head to Budapest. This time, i'm leaving for real... i'll be gone for a month and then only return to stras for a single night before heading on to see Martina (who i miss soooo much!) and then go up to ireland. It doesn't feel real, since I've been doing so much leaving and returning these last few weeks. But come this time tomorrow, i think it'll have sunk in.
Love to everyone!
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