Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I wish I had time to write!

Alas, finals period is -- for the first time this semester -- forcing me to put work before other indulgences, including updating my blog! Ah!

I do, however, have some links to offer for those interested in seeing some pictures of life as late, fun-packed and french style...

So what have I been up to this last month or so?
Well... Two weeks of France vacationing with Martina followed by a rather
insane week of turning in dossiers and sytheses (the bane of my existence) which
then lead into a 24 hours visit to the Champagne region with the Lewis & Clark
group and concluded with an amazing 24 hours fulfilling my "Village Project"
learning about goat farming, cheese making, and small town partying in a small
village in southern Alsace...

Suffice it to say, I've been simply saturated with amazing sights and wonderful
encounters... and just when I want to recount them all to any interested
parties, I have to begin studying for final exams! Ack! Hence my lack of blog
updates and the absence of captions/explanations for two of the following three
photo albums. I hope you can forgive me and perhaps think up creative captions
on your own... I usually put photos in chronological order, with some sort of
story behind each one. So if a photo seems completely random and out-of-place,
known that somewhere, somehow, it DOES make sense!

So... without further hesitation:

Melia's two week tromp around western/northern France! (links have been edited so as not to lead to canadian beer shindig!)

Album #1: Paris, My 21st birthday!, La Rochelle, Ile de Re

Album #2: La Rochelle, Dinan, Saint-Malo, Mont-Saint-Michel

And the subtitled album... Goat farms and village parties!


P.S. My newly-discovered potential post-college-before-grad-school thought? Goat Farm Intern!

I remember hearing about folks who would head to New Zealand to work on eco-friendly (known as “Bio” here in france) sheep farms after high school as an interum step before college. I never really understood the draw... it always just seemed a bit of a random choice. Now, however, my eyes have been openned, and the friendly nuzzles of goat muzzles is hard-pressed to leave the forefront of my mind. Finals? Bah! What’s a couple (aka. 9) exams up against a hundred or so milk-laden she-goats with names like “Patati”, “Oh Suzanna”, and “Vodka”? Add to that an all-night village birthday party under the stars, equipped with BBQ’d Alsacian sausages (soooo good!), improvising musicians, good quality wine and village-made eaux-de-vie (spirits) in un-ending quantities, and dancing till 4 am to one of the best sets of ecclectic music I’ve heard in a long time... pretty much one of the most awesome experiences of a lifetime!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun goat pictures & otherwise, but the last two URL addresses go to other places, including some guy's booze party instead of goats. To get to your pics, need to add a 5 to the last two addresses. Good luck with exams et al.

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun goat pictures & otherwise, but the last two URL addresses go to other places, including some guy's booze party instead of goats. To get to your pics, need to add a 5 to the last two addresses. Good luck with exams et al.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi melia!
we're going to spain, hooray. i'm really excited for our adventures. al said you and gretchen are arriving prob around the 26th, sounds fabulous.
i just wanted to congratulate you on your writing skills. i loved reading what you had to say about teh CPE, the french ability to mobilise and actually change something. i think i got quite caught up in the fact that the grevistes were keeping me and many other students from going to class when i could have been admiring their power. i'm doing an indepenent study project on the whole experience and i've formulated quelques questions that i would to have your responses to if you have time? let me know and i'll forward them to you.
i can't wait to discuss our experiences further and of course take on the beaches, clubs and history of barcelona, bisous,
p.s. did you enjoy bretagne?

3:01 AM  

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