proposed itinerary...
Curious where I'm going to be this summer? If everything works out as planning, this should be my approximate route (sorry for the horribly northern placement of Edinburgh... my Europe geography is still only approximate...)
How to read my photoshop attempt: The red dots denote my travel route, and the larger colored dots are the destinations... below, you'll see which colored dot means which city, with the number of days I'll be staying written within the dot. The dots go in rainbow order, for clarity... and the random blue/tourquoise extra dots are just to show where I've already been. *whew* okay. I don't have too much time on my hands, really...
End of May and June itinerary (thanks to the beauty of iCal... purple = staying with a friend/friend of friend, yellow is as of yet undecided/couchsurfing/hostel, orange = back to basecamp (Strasbourg) for a change of clothes and a shower... ; ) I realize the calendar's aren't that easy to read... if you're terribly interested, you can click on them and they'll download and show up bigger when you open them from your file. But that's only if you have a truly vested interested. Mom, Dad... you'd better be clicking!
July's busy life...
How to read my photoshop attempt: The red dots denote my travel route, and the larger colored dots are the destinations... below, you'll see which colored dot means which city, with the number of days I'll be staying written within the dot. The dots go in rainbow order, for clarity... and the random blue/tourquoise extra dots are just to show where I've already been. *whew* okay. I don't have too much time on my hands, really...
End of May and June itinerary (thanks to the beauty of iCal... purple = staying with a friend/friend of friend, yellow is as of yet undecided/couchsurfing/hostel, orange = back to basecamp (Strasbourg) for a change of clothes and a shower... ; ) I realize the calendar's aren't that easy to read... if you're terribly interested, you can click on them and they'll download and show up bigger when you open them from your file. But that's only if you have a truly vested interested. Mom, Dad... you'd better be clicking!
July's busy life...
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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