Well, with six minutes of internet time left, there's no way I'm going to have the time to type up the 10 pages of long hand I wrote out yesterday night with plans of catching the world up on my latest adventures and such. Perhaps when I've moved on to galway and can pay for however long i want as opposed to signing up for one hour every few days at the local village library here in Drumshanbo, a village of normally 750 that has swelled to over 1400 with the music festival.
In short...
- I've been devoting 4-6 hours to Set Dancing every day this week... I'm exhausted, my calves are in awesome shape, and I'm getting just a bit sick of hearing irish jigs and reels 24-7...
- I'm starting to get really homesick, with the thought of being home in two weeks... and I'm getting tired of the 'fleeting friends' phenomenon that comes with travelling, though I'm very thankful for 27 year old Sara in my hostel room, with whom I've been sharing meals and pints, and 18 year old Aladar, my set dancing partner from Hungary, who is educating me as to what soviet communism was like from a second hand account... and showing me traditional hungarian dancing, which he's done since age six.
- Anya just wrote and said she MIGHT be able to come join me in western ireland for some travels come next week... I'm crossing my fingers, as being homesick and alone is not a good combination...
- one minute left = i need to post and get off. Tonight = concert of all the teachers at the music school, so it should be good (even if i've been escaping with my iPod into other genres of music these past couple afternoons... I'm just not a one-track minded kind of girl...)
Hopefully I'll have more time to update later!!
Love to everyone! Home in two weeks exactly!!
In short...
- I've been devoting 4-6 hours to Set Dancing every day this week... I'm exhausted, my calves are in awesome shape, and I'm getting just a bit sick of hearing irish jigs and reels 24-7...
- I'm starting to get really homesick, with the thought of being home in two weeks... and I'm getting tired of the 'fleeting friends' phenomenon that comes with travelling, though I'm very thankful for 27 year old Sara in my hostel room, with whom I've been sharing meals and pints, and 18 year old Aladar, my set dancing partner from Hungary, who is educating me as to what soviet communism was like from a second hand account... and showing me traditional hungarian dancing, which he's done since age six.
- Anya just wrote and said she MIGHT be able to come join me in western ireland for some travels come next week... I'm crossing my fingers, as being homesick and alone is not a good combination...
- one minute left = i need to post and get off. Tonight = concert of all the teachers at the music school, so it should be good (even if i've been escaping with my iPod into other genres of music these past couple afternoons... I'm just not a one-track minded kind of girl...)
Hopefully I'll have more time to update later!!
Love to everyone! Home in two weeks exactly!!
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